Can acai berry additions truly help you to lose weight habitually? The answer to this question is an emphatic YES. In this article, you will learn why acai works, how it functi

What's Acai?
The acai berry, which grows on the acai tree in the rain-forests of the Amazon is a remarkably potent fruit. It packs massive amounts of anti oxidising compounds as well as a sufficiency of Omega three, six and nine.
How Does It Work?
because it has such high antioxidising levels, it speeds up your metabolic rate, which in its turn makes you burn up fat in a rapid fashion. Another way to put it is that when you take acai on a regular basis, you turn your body into a calorie burning factory. Your body can't help but burn up fat, with the increased benefit that it cleans out your lower bowel and strengthens your heart. Acai system really is the dictionary definition of a "super-fruit".
There are no synthetic ingredients in acai, neither is there any caffeine to make you shaky and twitchy. Only the excellent stuff. Lately, acai has become very hot among stars, who have made it part of their normal diet because of the various benefits it offers.
LeanSpa suplement is made with extract of acai berry.
In addition to the powerful acai berry, LeanSpa system is made up of other natural ingredients that are benficial to the body. This sets LeanSpa system apart from regular diet products, which often contain chemicals that produce undesirable side effects. LeanSpa system is only made up of ingredients that will work well with the body and its digestive system.
LeanSpa system contains proven weight loss ingredients that, together with the acai berry's natural effects, help you lose weight even faster.
Components Of Leanspa Acai
Acai Berry
The Acai Berry has one of the highest anti-oxidant cost of any eatable substance in the world - fifty times that of red grapes!
Green Tea
Green tea helps promote fat burning and provides EGCG, a powerful metabolism booster and an essential anti-oxidant.
Garcinia Cambogia
HCA works by blocking lipogenesis or conversion of starches and sugars into fat that is stored and increases our weight. HCA also lessens existing fat through increased breakdown. Additionally, HCA raises the levels of Serotonin that have a role in appetite regulation.
Octopamine HCL
Octopamine HCL stimulates receptors involved in the processes of fat metabolism that directly cause fatty acids to be released from the adipose tissue and metabolized.
Caffeine acts as a dietary aid to promote increased fat oxidation and breakdown.
5-HTP increases the production of serotonin. Serotonin is essential for weight loss as it is a brain chemical which controls appetite. Serotonin is the satiety or satisfaction chemical. When your brai

Chromium may help to control type 2 diabetes or the glucose and insulin responses in persons at high risk of developing the disease. Additionally, chromium can have an impact on blood lipid levels. Studies indicate that chromium can decrease total and low-density-lipoprotein (LDL or "bad") cholesterol and triglyceride levels and increased concentrations of apolipoprotein A (a component of high-density-lipoprotein cholesterol known as HDL or "good" cholesterol)
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1 Acai berry helps you improve your body immunity, helps you lose weight
2 What Can This Super Food Do For You?
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